Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ch. 15- Marketing Communications

Image result for marketing communicationsImage result for marketing communications

  Apple's marketing communication has abroad with knowledge and enticing customers every time. Apple's communication is intriguing, simple, clear and clever. Their strategy is broadcasting in TV ads, in print ads, billboard ads, and online ads to attract customers. Its communication process within all Apple's promotion mix; advertising, public relation and encoding the message of Apple's mission has helped boosts sales, but enhances the brand value as well.

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 Apple's promotion strategy begins by introducing their new products to a group of people in conferences and then advertising through ads. Apple's promotional goals are to bring more customers and increase sales by promotions, discounts and much more. Also the AIDA ( Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) concept is used by Apple in their strategy plan. As we all know the only way many people find out about new products are through Advertisements and sometimes a firm cannot reach their sales goals if their target market is not aware of the good or service that exists. Apple uses mass communications as one of its communication strategies to create AIDA, what is mass communications? Mass communications is the communication of a concept or message to a large audience.

Image result for mass communication  Image result for apple's mass communication

 When Apple introduced the iPhone 6, Apple had to advertise and promote it extensively through ads on TV, news papers, billboards and on the internet to create attention (A) and awareness for the new product. After the target market was aware of the product it was time to create interest ( I ), it was by demonstrating to the public the products features on hands in Apple's stores, videos on you tube and  through authorized phone retailing companies like AT&T.  Apple faces competition based of desire (D)on other brands. They need to convince potential customers that iPhone 6 is the best solution to meet their desires by adding special features such as, extended-life battery, photo-video storage and HD video and camera, touch id scan, Apple pay, a built in monitor that keeps track of your fitness on a daily basis, A 64-bit processor along with the A8 Chip for better performance  and other features. As a result of convincing the target market to choose Apple's iPhone 6 the most important part was Action (A) to purchase the item, Apple continued advertising to communicate the features and benefits with the use of promotions, personal selling and channels like radio, news papers, you tube, and TV and the strategies have worked to perfection. The company made billions of dollars in revenue In 2014 and continues to profit to this day. The two videos below are Apple's advertisements on the new apple watch and the features of the IPhone 6.


1 comment:

  1. This content is written very well. Your use of formatting when making your points makes your observations very clear and easy to understand. Thank you.
    Corporate Communication
